The current price of Bitcoin Green (BITG) is $ 0.01503497, with a market capitalization of $ 0.2M, placing it as the #2804 in the global cryptocurrency market. Over the past 24 hours, the price of Bitcoin Green has increased, showing a change of +0.00% compared to the previous day.
Bitcoin Green is a cryptocurrency that utilizes a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm. It was designed to offer a more sustainable and scalable alternative to Bitcoin, a counterproposal to Bitcoin's energy-intensive proof-of-work consensus mechanism. Bitcoin Green operates on 'The Green Protocol,' a highly efficient, low-resource mechanism that leads to a more environmentally friendly mining process. Bitcoin Green can be mined on any computer, whether it is a laptop or a desktop, without the need for specialized equipment.
Information about the founders of Bitcoin Green isn't explicitly available. The team operates on 'The Green Protocol' concept, which places sustainability at the center of the project. The Bitcoin Green team focuses on creating a scalable and sustainable transactional cryptocurrency that offers an eco-friendly alternative to Bitcoin.
Bitcoin Green operates using a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus algorithm unlike the proof-of-work mechanism used by Bitcoin. This means that rather than requiring miners to solve complex computational puzzles to validate transactions and create new blocks (as in proof-of-work systems), the creator of a new block in a proof-of-stake system is chosen in a deterministic way, depending on their wealth, also defined as their stake. This makes Bitcoin Green's operations less resource-intensive and more sustainable in the long term.
Bitcoin Green distinguishes itself with its unique focus on sustainability and efficiency. With Bitcoin's energy consumption often being a subject of criticism, Bitcoin Green's utilization of the proof-of-stake consensus mechanism for mining presents a less energy-intensive alternative. Furthermore, the fact that any ordinary computer or laptop can mine Bitcoin Green fosters increased accessibility and widespread participation in the network.
There are currently 13.0M BITG tokens in circulation. The total supply is 21.0M. The token distribution structure of Bitcoin Green is thus designed to ensure wide-scale distribution, which is essential for the security and decentralization of the system.
Bitcoin Green (BITG) can be purchased on a number of cryptocurrency exchanges. However, it's worth noting that buying cryptocurrencies comes with risk, and potential investors should do thorough research before making a purchase. Recommended sources for acquisition are those listed among the Probit, CREX24, STEX, Cryptopia, as these platforms significantly contribute to the token’s liquidity.
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