Bilaxy Token BIA

Rank ?

$ 0.00304270

Bilaxy Token Price (BIA)

Bilaxy Token to USD Price Chart

What's the current price of Bilaxy Token (BIA)?

Today, the current price of Bilaxy Token (BIA) is $ 0.00304270.

So, what is Bilaxy Token (BIA) exactly?

Bilaxy Token (BIA), is the native token for the Bilaxy cryptocurrency exchange. Introduced on their platform, holders of BIA can enjoy different benefits, special features and events that are exclusive to token holders. These perks can include reduced transaction fees, priority customer support, and special trading events.

Can you tell more about who created Bilaxy Token?

The Bilaxy Token (BIA) was created by the Bilaxy exchange. However, exact details about the team behind Bilaxy are not readily available on their website. They maintain a level of privacy, which is not uncommon in the world of cryptocurrency.

How does Bilaxy Token work?

As an exchange's native token, BIA is deeply integrated into Bilaxy's ecosystem. By holding BIA, users gain access to premium features on the Bilaxy platform. They can get reduced fees, vote for token listings, participate in unique events, and more. BIA tokens can be obtained by participating in activities organized by Bilaxy, or by buying them on the Bilaxy exchange.

What makes Bilaxy's Token special?

What makes Bilaxy Token (BIA) unique is that it provides tangible benefits to holders on the Bilaxy exchange. Depending on the amount of BIA tokens a user holds, they can experience lower fees, faster customer service responses, and even have a say in listing new tokens on the Bilaxy exchange.

How can I buy Bilaxy Token?

You can buy Bilaxy Token (BIA) from the Bilaxy exchange itself. However, it's always recommended to compare prices and options on different platforms. Remember to ensure your transactions are secure and to keep your tokens in a safe wallet.

What's the current supply of Bilaxy tokens?

There's a circulating supply of about BIA tokens at this moment. The token's total supply is 2.0B.

How to store Bilaxy Tokens safely?

As with all digital assets, the key to safely storing your Bilaxy Tokens is utilizing secure wallets. Hardware wallets are considered the safest option due to their robust security features that keep hackers at bay. Always make sure to backup your wallet and keep your private keys offline and secure. It's also advised to update your wallets whenever updates are available, as they often include security patches.

How has Bilaxy Token's price changed in the past 24 hours?

Within the last 24 hours, Bilaxy Token (BIA) has increased by approximately +0.00%. The trading volume within this period is about 28.8.

How is Bilaxy Token's market position?

As of now, Bilaxy Token (BIA) ranks #1 in terms of market capitalization, which is approximately $ . It's a testament to the token's popularity among traders on the Bilaxy platform.

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