LimeWire Logo
LimeWire LMWR

Rank #285

$ 0.38090900 -0.28%

LimeWire Price (LMWR)

LimeWire to USD Price Chart

LimeWire Statistics

Market Rank #285
Market Cap $ 109.5M
Volume 24h $ 5.3M
Circ. Supply 287.6M
Total Supply 679.7M
Max Supply 1000.0M

What is the live LMWR price?

LimeWire price today is $0.38090900 on global average. It is down by -0.28% in the last 24 hours with a total volume of $5.3M. Current market cap is $109.5M. The price is being updated in real-time.

What is LimeWire?

LimeWire is a decentralized cryptocurrency that's ranked #285 by market cap. LimeWire has a maximum supply of 1000.0M LMWR and a circulating supply of 287.6M LMWR.

LimeWire Links

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